
Hi there!

My name is Kees (you pronounce it like case) and I’m born in 1993 in the Netherlands. Ever since I hiked the GR20 through the rugged Corsican mountains at age 19 I’ve been addicted to long distance hiking. Since then, I’ve hiked every summer.

Now that I’ve finished my masters degree in journalism I figured it would be good practice to set up a blog. Also, I like to share my experiences and knowledge to the broader public. My goal is to provide information that will help you pick and prepare for a hike but also share my personal experiences. This means there will be two sorts of content on this website: my travel journal and the articles where I share practical knowledge about trails and gear.

So whether you’re interested in bearing with me as I painfully slowly explore the world, one step at a time, or you just want some practical information about a trip you’re planning, I hope this site will fulfill your needs.

If you have a question, feel free to post it below the relevant post/article. Whether or not I reply depends on how much time I have on my hands and the silliness of your question.

Happy trails!



  • Stuart Drennan


    I am going to hike the Berlin High Trail in late august and I wanted to ask you for more information on the following:

    Passages of note are: The crossing of the Schönbichler Scharte at 3081 meter, the crossing of the Mörchenscharte at 2872 meter and the entire second half of the eighth stage, where seemingly endless boulderfields alternate with awkward and exposed scrambling. In wet circumstances this is a dangerous stage to complete.

    Are these all ‘high exposure’ ridges? Are there adequate chains / safety features? I just completed the ‘Tour de Muverans’ and really want to get my head around the Berlin High Trails dangerous elements before we go.

    Thank you very much!!

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